Willkommen beim Council of World Elders | Healing the Earth for World Peace 
Natur mit Wasserfall
Hunbatz Men Galsan Tschinag Masaru Emoto Karin Tag Mohan Rai Maile Ngema Lama
Swami Isa Lama Tshewang Dorje Bob Randall Don Pedro Guerra Gonzales Sepp Holzer Reza Maschajechi


(Les Carney),



„The aims of the Council of World Elders are exemplary!! To be part of an organization designed to bring forth the ancient wisdom carried by our indigenous elders is an honor. I’m committed to assisting the creation of „platforms“ designed to give broader dissemination of our wisdom keepers‘ knowledge. It is a blessing and privilege to share council and do ceremony with those who have „remembered“ „.