Willkommen beim Council of World Elders | Healing the Earth for World Peace 
Natur mit Wasserfall
Hunbatz Men Galsan Tschinag Masaru Emoto Karin Tag Mohan Rai Maile Ngema Lama
Swami Isa Lama Tshewang Dorje Bob Randall Don Pedro Guerra Gonzales Sepp Holzer Reza Maschajechi

Global Advisor

Majestät König Bansah

His Majesty King Bansah

Togbui Ngoryifia Céphas Kosi Bansah,
King of Hohoe Gbi Traditional Ghana

Nina Hagen

Nina Hagen

German singer, peace maker, environmental activist, cosmopolitan, currently in Germany. "What would be the first thing I would do, being a German minister of the environment tomorrow? First I would organize a gorgeous festivity, inviting all the people, who actively care for our nature and the divine creation. I would immediately initiate...

Johannes Frischknecht

Johannes Frischknecht

artist and cultural engineer, Switzerland “Our global situation and our inner state, the fact that we could die with a pure conscience in the blink of an eye, require the transformation of an egocentric to a holistic view of life. If we don’t respect living beings as our brothers and sisters, as it is taught in every world religion, how can we von uns...

Michael Bear Hawk

Michael Bear Hawk

Native American, Founder of the Rainbow Warrior Academy, USA "I feel that the Council of World Elders will be a powerful force in this magical time of change. The uniting of the Elders will bring back the colours of the rainbow and transform us into powerful light beings." ...

Urs Huber Uri

Urs Huber Uri

Men and ethnologist, architect and artist, as well as student from "K!schàHónaw! ("White Bear", Hopi Indian, USA), Switzerland "When I received the message that the Council of World Elders was founded in Germany, my "inner self" went in feeling with the "It" of the future reality. "It" felt that the "Topka" ...

Philip Coppens

Philip Coppens

(1971 - 2012) Investigative journalist, Scotland, United Kingdom "My personal motto is that "Ancient knowledge will give us a future". Indigenous elders and everything they stand for are one of our few remaining accessible routes into a reality that is quickly disappearing, yet which contains such a wealth of information. This is one of the greatest tragedies that is currently occurring on Planet...

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Patrice Marty

Patrice Marty

France Patrice Marty is an explorer of the unexplained, whose fascination with the mystical has accompanied him since childhood. He played a central role in organizing festivals and events that promote spiritual and cultural knowledge in France. Marty shares his insights and spiritual experiences worldwide through lectures, books, and journeys to significant spiritual sites.

Lady Carla Davis

Lady Carla Davis, MPH

Global Advisor of the Council of World Elders,
Peace Ambassador for the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), Cabinet Minister for Environment for the Global Energy Parliament (GEP), Contributing Editor for The New Zealand Journal of Natural Medicine, Executive Editor of Masters of Health Magazine

His Majesty King Agokoli IV

His Majesty King Agokoli IV

King Togbui Agboli Agokoli IV is king
of the kingdom of Notsé in the Republic of Togo, Africa. Notsé is the kingdom of the ethnic tribe of the Ewes.

Pepper Lewis

Pepper Lewis

Author, USA "Mother Earth is the sentience or soul of our planet. A sentience is that which is conscious or aware of itself and its purpose. A sentience is more like an emotional response and less like an intellectual process. Gaia sentience (or Mother Earth) animates the planet, gives it purpose and makes life...

Armin Risi

Armin Risi

Philosopher and author, Switzerland "It is a great joy and encouragement to see the founding of a Council of World Elders. The indigenous peoples give an example of true forgiveness as only universal forgiveness and learning can help us to heal the wounds of the past, and to secure our survival as a whole. The indigenous peoples guard a line of wisdom...

Eva-Maria Mora

Eva-Maria Mora

Author, Spiritual Teacher, Founder of Quantum Angel Healing ® and Children of the Light, charity in Germany. "If we are successful in passing on the valuable wisdom of the Council of World Elders to our children, we will build an important bridge that enables all of us to walk the path of light, which leads to world peace and love....



(Les Carney), USA "The aims of the Council of World Elders are exemplary!! To be part of an organization designed to bring forth the ancient wisdom carried by our indigenous elders is an honor. I'm committed to assisting the creation of "platforms" designed to give broader dissemination of our wisdom keepers' knowledge. It is a blessing and privilege to share ...

Joaquim Alberto Chissano

Joaquim Alberto Chissano

1986 to 2005 President of Mozambique, Africa
In 1992, Mozambique’s civil war came to an end, after 15 years of devastation, and more than a million casualties. The country was completely broken, and showing all signs of being trapped in the cycle of conflict and corruption which has afflicted many African countries. But Joachim Chissano...